Monday, July 14, 2008

"What in the World Causes High Cholesterol?" by Tarun Patel

So you are sitting there wondering what causes high cholesterol? What causes your blood stream to suffocate? What is it that makes it hard for your blood to flow freely?

Okay, I know you love all of those fattening greasy hamburgers and things of that nature. There are other things that you love and may or may not be aware of whether or not they are causing your cholesterol to sky rocket, but they are, that is for sure.

There are so many foods that you can avoid and in doing so can help reduce your cholesterol intake. For instance, you can eliminate the cholesterol in your body by slowing down on all of those McDonald Big Macs and Burger King Whoopers. Yep, take it from me, these can and will quickly add to your body unwanted cholesterol.

You make your way down the yummy food isle. There are several different types of fattening cookies, chips and a variety of other greasy favorites that you may choose from. Did you know eating too many of these items are really bad for your health?

Indeed they are and of course, there is balance in everything. You can have balance in everything. With such a fast paced life, there are many things that we tend to do without thinking about it. Eat out too much? Yes, we do that all too often. There are so many things that we need to look out for as well. Off to Baskin Robbins? How often? When is too much too much?

Slim down on those dairy products that are so high in cholesterol and can add to the cholesterol in your body. There are several foods that you can avoid to help reduce the cholesterol in your body.

When you fry liver and chicken or anything like that you are also using grease to do it. That too will add to the cholesterol in your body. So with foods that are already high in cholesterol it is better to have oils that aren't high in cholesterol such as fish oil and olive oil. That way, you can help to avoid the problems associated with high cholesterol level

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