Monday, July 14, 2008

"What Foods are High in Cholesterol? " by Tarun Patel

Want to know what to avoid while you are going on a diet to lower cholesterol? Perhaps you want to just reduce your cholesterol intake. There are many foods that you can avoid to reduce the risk of high cholesterol in your body.

Some foods you may not even realize the risks in eating them on a regular basis and the fact that they must be avoided as much as possible. These foods are unhealthy and can cause serious heart and blood problems.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Do they have alternate foods besides greasy hamburgers or those lard soaked chicken sandwiches. How about a nice salad every now and again.

You take your weekly trip to the grocery store. Tonight you want something quick and easy to make. You make your way to the frozen food section where there are all sorts of family favorites that you just pop in the nuker and away you go. Simple and easy but full of cholesterol.

Those Pizza Pockets and TV dinners are not healthy to eat on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I love them on occasion. However, they don't love me and won't show mercy on my body either.

You have decided to go with sandwiches for dinner tonight but you take an awkward turn towards the junk food isle. Who can eat a sandwich without those potato chips, right? There are certain kinds to avoid, like the potato chips that have been fried. Then there are the baked chips that are not so bad. You can always check the labels to make sure that they are healthy for you. There are some that are fat free and better for you. Those are really the best type to get.

Next time you want that quick dinner for those nights of running around, think about preparing a crock pot meal ahead of time. You can save money as well as your family's health when you do this. There are several crock pot meal recipes that you can find. Good wholesome meals are really the best kind that you can feed your family.

If you want a diet to reduce high cholesterol simple changes are a good way to start. It's easier to start small and ramp up as you get used to the changes. What are you waiting for?

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