Monday, July 14, 2008

"Think You Have High Cholesterol?" by Tarun Patel

Do you think that you may have high cholesterol? We will have a look at some of the symptoms to make sure that you don't fall victim to high cholesterol and also make sure that, if you think that you already do, you can get help to reduce it and better your health as well.

First of all, did you know that there is no real symptom of high cholesterol. There is not one true sign that actually points to having cholesterol. However, a routine blood test can tell all. There are things that you can go by that may tell you that you may have high cholesterol.

Are you obese? Do you eat an abundance of fatty foods? Do you feel bloated all of the time? These are things that can tell you that there is a possibility that you may be a sufferer of high cholesterol.

There are ways that you can also see whether or not that you have high cholesterol. You can have underlying conditions such as diabetes that can point at the possibility of high cholesterol. The fact remains that there is no definite proof that there is high cholesterol in your body without having a blood test done to determine it.

You can make a regular check up appointment at your doctor's office where he will then draw a sample of blood and then test it for cholesterol. It is important to get a regular check up because high cholesterol causes high blood pressure. Then there is heart disease and the number one cause of death and that is heart disease.

Remember, you don't have to let high cholesterol beat you. Be good to your heart and eat smart!!

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