Monday, July 14, 2008

"High Cholesterol in Children" by Tarun Patel

In this fast paced world of McDonald's and Burger King, it sometimes seems hard to raise children on salads and greens. There needs to be balance because, face it, you cannot go through life just eating fast food. Fast food for a fast life is not healthy but that is what we as American's rely on. There are many things that you can do in life to reduce cholesterol in our children. I want to share some tips with you.

First of all know that you can cook quick and easy foods that the family loves. There are many recipes that you can go by that be tasty to both you and your family. There are things that you can do to eliminate the cholesterol in your body as well as your children.

Obesity is on the rise in our children more now then ever. Don't just blame it on the high cholesterol that is found in fatty fast foods.

Your five year old is having a hard time getting away from the Playstation game? Yep, well it is really hard to pry him, but it has to be done. There must be moderation in playing video games.

Children now and days are deprived of outdoor activities and who's fault is it? Surely it isn't theirs. Parents need to be more aware of their child's activities by being a part of them. Why not go out and pass the ball a few times? If we were more active with our children, then they would be happier and want to play outside more often. Wouldn't you think.

It seems we are always so wrapped up in our own little world that there is no time for the kids anymore so let the Playstation babysit? There needs to be a stop to it. There are so many other things that you can do to entertain your children and watching what they eat is more important.

In a hurry all the time?

Well there are ways that you can enjoy a meal without worrying about all of the elevated cholesterol levels. How about making a good wholesome quick and easy crock pot meal? You can make it as you are heading out the door. The family will love a good pot roast as well as carrots and potatoes. Time of preparation: oh, approximately 15 minutes. Not bad for a quick meal and healthy one as well. Not to mention it takes that long to stand in line and wait on that Burger King meal. It is your family's health. Feed them a balanced diet!

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