Monday, July 14, 2008

"Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food" by Tarun Patel

If you are trying to lose weight, you may be trying to find a great diet that will really help you out. However, it can be really hard to decide on the diet that will really work for you, with so many out there for you to choose from. There are a variety of great books out there on weight loss as well that have been turned into diet plans, and one of those was Suzanne Somers' Get Skinny on Fabulous Food diet. Not sure that this is a great book or a great diet plan? Well, let's do a bit more research and find out all about this diet and whether or not it is a great choice for you and your weight loss needs.

Overview of the Diet

Basically this is a book and a diet that was written and developed by Suzanne Somers and it is developed around the premise that you can actually eat anything and lose the weight you want to. However, it does stress that you have to eat in certain combinations if you want to lose weight. The author points out that she thinks that it is certain combinations of food that make people fat, so she shows how to combine foods in certain ways that are to help you lose weight.

Who Does it Work Best For?

For people who have no will power at all and those who really want to eat all the foods they love, this is a diet that they may want to try. If you don't want to be left hungry all the time feeling deprived because you can only eat protein or vegetables, this is the diet that offers something different.

A Few Pros and Cons

- Pro #1 - Eat Just About What You Want - The main pro that most people find with this diet is that they can finally eat the foods that they want to eat instead of dealing with diets that totally limit them in foods.

- Pro #2 - Recipes Included - Another pro of this diet and book is that there are quite a few recipes that are included in the book, so you do have an idea where to start. However, once you go through the recipes, you may find yourself a bit lost.

- Pro #3 - Don't Count Points or Calories - You'll also find that you will never have to count any points or any calories when you are on this diet. All you have to do is make sure that you eat certain foods together and that you avoid eating foods together tha may cause you problems.

- Con #1 - The Author Has No Nutrition Credits - One of the main cons of this diet plan is that the creator, Suzanne Somers really does not have any nutrition credits as well. The only thing she has done in the past is appear in an infomercial for a special exerciser for thighs. So, all that she offers in her book is not based on great nutrition credentials.

- Con #2 - Silly Claims - Another con of this diet and book is that some of the claims are just silly. The author advises people not to drink any water with their meal, stating that the digestive juices get diluted and you won't be able to lose weight as you should. There is absolutely no merit found for this idea, so it appears to be a bit off the wall and silly.

- Con #3 - Food Combining is Needed - You'll also find that to follow this diet you'll have to combine foods in certain ways in order to be allowed to eat them. This is not always fun and it's not always easy to get the right combination at the right time as well. Her method of food combining is called Somerizing, but it can be difficult to actually incorporate this into your life.

Foods You Can Eat and Some You Can't

When it comes to eating foods on this diet, you can just about eat anything; however, it is how you eat it that is so important to this diet. When you eat fruits, you are only supposed to eat them by themselves. Proteins and fats are supposed to be eaten with vegetables and when you eat carbs, you're allowed to eat them with vegetables, but not with fats. Fats and proteins are never to be eaten along with carbs. Also, if you want to change the type of meal you're eating, you have to wait at least three hours.

What the Medical Community Has to Say

When it comes to what the medical community has to say about the Get Skinny on Fabulous Food, most of the things they have to say are not really complimentary. You see, most people in the medical field really feel like much of what the author says in the books is not true and that there is not scientific premise for it, such as the idea that drinking water with your meal is bad. So, for the most part, this is not a diet that has impressed the medical field in any manner.

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